Friday, September 09, 2005

back to stage one

remembering the time when i first entered Sunway College australian matriculation programme.
I know i try really hard making new friends there. However, i kiss little asses to fit in groups and gangs. i was being my sarcastic & funny self right from the beginning on the first day of AusMat.

after bitchin abit how popular people are like in KL, i eventually ended up being accepted and being one of them. Cool huh?..
Though i never liked the idea of gangs like how the popular people in church was always together and even in secondary school.
I wanted to fit in- even when backstabbing often happen or being yourself wasn't the best option. But hey, not that hard anyways. Just have to kiss the right asses to be accepted for someone you are not!~

AusMat was abit different. I could easily fit in. I minimize the act or mask i had to put on if i were to be friends with certain people. I either walk away or do not hang out with them at all so none of my thoughts might cause any problems.

so yea... now i'm back at stage 1. That's what some people have told me this few days at least.
why?~ coz its as if i am tryin to look for the suitable click to hang out with...
I walk alone in college most of the time//
new module - new gang?.. no way!~

thoughts: I have no idea what i just blog. maybe its what i feel at the moment. i still don't have the answers to why i'm back at stage 1.
and.. CraP~! mocks are just 3 weeks away. this sucks.


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