Wednesday, July 20, 2005

need a BREAK!

cell harvest is just around the corner. yea- 2 more days to be exact.
preparation for it is abit rush. My cell is supposed to do a sketch. at first i thought i was in charge. This was because i was appointed to think up for ideas and meet up whenever they are planning the 'cell harvest'. Anyways, i'm suppose to attend a rehearsal in church later. I am so busy! yesterday, some of my cell members went to dinner and discuss about the sketch... i was too busy and studied at home instead. Now, rehearsal... can't let them down.. have to make this 'cell harvest' a success. However, i agreed to go before they told me the location was in church and we will be joining to prayer meeting too. Nothing wrong with it... just that i won't be able to finish revising most of my college stuff.

Today was a pretty cool day for me... minus some shit i faced later in class.
i was supposed to dress up formally in class for my ESL presentation which is disagree with the topic: same sex marriages should be legalized.

instead of the usual long sleeve and neck tie... i decided to wear my BATIK.
woohoo.. The ATTENTION i got!~ lol. my presentation went well.. but outshoned by a few classmates of mine.

yes.. was abit exhausted when i entered accounts class. We got back our previous test result.
guess what i got? 30%! from 81% down to 30%... this wasn't even the hard part in accounts yet!

nyways.. i rushed back from college because i was uncomfortable with the BATIK. went home, took my bath... and here i am in college again. Just finish discussing my IS project with my group. Feeling helpless because the project is not going anywhere at all. darn~

i'll be going church later.. hope it all goes smoothly.. and i will still be able to read up on some sutff before i go to bed.


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