Sunday, July 31, 2005


weekend rocked.
Friday i spent the whole day making myslef feeling important. yes, i was the top priority on my list on that day.
Had cell harvest later that night.
Saturday came, as usual - afternoon wasted with nothin on my 'to do list' being checked.
Afternoon was Glad Tidingschurch first young adult service.
I must say, settings of the church-> BRILLIANT and FRESH!
pastor talked about "first things first", about how all of us should put God first in everything.

anyways, here comes Sunday.
planned to study econs the whole day. well, cover those part being tested tomorrow at least.
yes...topics all covered. Now, all i have to do is memorize what i've just studied.

I actually feel kinda bad for not hanging out with my friends tonight.
Not the 'battle of the bands', because i know i will feel left out anyway.
but i feel bad because my best friend/ ex-neighbour from Tawau is around Lagoon Perdana hanging out with some of his other friends. I told him i couldn't join him because i had to study. ~Damn, i am such a Liar.~
I don't know why, but i don't like hanging out -feeling guilty for not studyin at the same time. It saves me and the person i'm hanging out alot of time and effort.
I hate faking that i'm having a good time when there are some other things on my mind.
oh well, at least i gave him my house number so that he could visit me before he leaves. hehe


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